
Hyper-detailed, stand back and admire the view or use a magnifying glass and dive right in.

Large: 136cm – with the mount and frame, these panos are longer than 5 foot.
Medium: 98cm wide – plus mount and frame.
Small: 68cm wide – plus mount, frame.
Tiny: 50cm wide.
Wee: 32cm wide.

These large pictures fit nicely into a standard jumbo mount which is 60 inches wide or 151 cm leaving an 8cm mount all around.

I get two out of the one mount board sheet. Tell you framer, who has a standard sized mount cutter, too small for jumbos, to use a smaller mount cutter in which you can slide boards that are a mile long.

If you want yet bigger, try the 8 footer and 6½ feet wide panoramas.