Titterstone Clee Hill – 7 foot 8 inches long


Two other crops available. One taller with the Shropshire Sasquatch and one centered more on the view down to Hay Bluff.  All from the Titterstone Clee series.

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Titterstone Clee Hill

Titterstone Clee Hill, sometimes referred to as Titterstone Clee or, incorrectly, Clee Hill (which is the lower hill to the southeast), is a prominent hill in the rural English county of Shropshire, rising at the summit to 533 meters (1,749 ft) above sea level.

It is one of the Clee Hills, in the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The nearest town to the hill is Ludlow, and it can be seen from parts of the town.

Medim panorama of Titterstyone Clee 6 and a half foot wide

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