Ludlow Castle with The White Lady and three fairies – bluer


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Marion de la Bruyere, a ‘Guileless damsel’ of Ludlow Castle, featured in a 13th Century Romance called ‘The Romance of Fulke Fitzwarin.’ The first half of the story is set at Ludlow Castle during the ‘Anarchy’ or  ‘The Nineteen-Year Winter’ of the reign of King Stephen 1135–1154. Ludlow Castle was then owned by Joce de Dinan, a Knight, who was married to Ludlow’s true owner, Sybilla de Lacy.

During the Anarchy, Ludlow was besieged by Gilbert de Lacy, the direct descendant of the original owner of Ludlow Castle, who had been forfeited and exiled several decades earlier. During a battle on Ludford Bridge, Gilbert and his right hand man, Sir Arnold de Lys, were captured by Fulke Fitzwarin and imprisoned at Ludlow Castle. During their imprisonment, Arnold manages to ensnare Marion and convince her that he is in love with her. Duped, she helps him and Gilbert escape.

Arnold promises Marion that he would return to the castle to see her. He kept his word, he returned, and Marion hung a ladder of leather down from the Pendover Tower to help him into the Castle. While they are in another room. Arnold’s Knights and Men at Arms use the ladder of leather to break into the castle and slaughter the Garrison. When Marion discovers that Arnold had betrayed her, she stabs him with his own sword, before jumping to her death from the Pendover Tower on to the rock below. 

Stories vary somewhat regarding the ghost itself. Some say it is this death dive that her ghost re-enacts, and you can hear her scream as she falls to the rocks below. Others say she used to be seen wandering around the base of the tower itself.

In this picture she’s out looking for her lover who’s hunting with his peregrine, hoping to catch sight of him and his party. The apples are temptation, her gaze is expectant and hopeful, and the weather is after the rain. She is alone—forever wanting to be loved, truly, madly, deeply. Pendover Tower is on the very far left of the castle in this view.

Where do you find apple fairies?

Where do you find grass fairies?

Where do you find leprechauns?  At the end of rainbows!

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