This is a first draft of the top frame of the 3rd picture panel. It’s the start of the story. It represents the time before the Planck Epoch, in part, the ‘bonkers universe’ where space fairies originate. There, there is no time, no energy, no light. This is the consciousness field where space fairies exist, according to my accompanying book, which diaries this witch photographer commission.
The frame panel is approximately 16 inches tall, by 3 foot 6 inches wide. See the other diagrams in posts, below for further positional info and the story flow.
It’ll be redone, iterated over and over, refined in zBrush, 3d printed, cold cast in various gold and iron powders. Finally, hand painted. Like old bas relief, woodcarvings around picture frames.

A watching space fairy, on the far left, resides in her bonkers universe. Need to add her antenna, maybe goggles. The spirals around her are ordered, structured consciousness fields. These are developed, above, into clustered thought nodes. Pure ideas and awareness existing without physical form — as befitting a bonkers universe.
Connected via flowing tendrils, to the amorphous shaped space fairies below, their combined consciousness is represented by a mush of heads, universes and thoughts. This is a quantum foam. Each ‘orb’ slightly differentiated with headphones, antenna, wings; universes, galaxies, cells; ideas, and dreams; respectively.
All of this: space fairies, universes and thoughts, move to the right as a progression of damaged, old broken universes where they will transition into the recycling of the Planck Epoch (within the next panel).
Still a long way to go…